Monday, December 15, 2008

CHRISTMAS is falling into place

So, I always loved A-Team and that "I love it when a plan comes together" line!

Christmas is really shaping up around here. I feel like I am on top of things for a change!

I got all my Christmas cards printed (since making them myself runs towards time failure) -- and 75% addressed and ready for tomorrow's post.

I put the tree up on the 1st and we decorated it on the 2nd (only a day behind my ideal schedule).

Justice and I have been doing his advent calendar since the 1st (actually we have two - a regular chocolate one and the SUPERFLASH lego castle one - its AWESOME!)

And even Will has watched some Christmas movies with us (ok, Bad Santa for he and I one night - but also Fred Claus and The Polar Express).

I have reserved Gremlins this weekend- because for some reason I love to watch it every year in December! It makes me feel like Christmas is coming - weird, huh?

I have successfully listed ALL our Duplo Lego on ebay and made oodles of unexpected cash which is lovely - we never have money coming IN in December!

Justice's school was able to do a Christmas concert as their end of year activity (Wednesday the 10th) because we had no Christmas objectors. They even did a little play ABOUT JESUS' BIRTH. At a public preschool! HOW COOL!

AND - its 1:47AM and everyone is asleep - so I get to go wrap Christmas gifts! I am really enjoying this... It feels like I am on top of things for a change!
****Disclaimer: Yes, my son has other clothes, this beetle shirt is just a current ultimate favourite and he finds reasons to chnage into it when we're home. If I didn't also think the shirt was cute, I would just name it pajamas and make him the happiest kid ever!*****

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