Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Its coming! Christmas is coming! I have not wrapped, I have not cleaned the living room (so that pictures feature our tree rather than the mountain of (clean!) laundry or the science experiment that is our carpet), I have not organised any groceries as the shops were heinous, Will said there were FIVE policeman directing traffic and all we have in town is Big W (walmart to you northerners...) , and we're going to Will's parents, so we won't need to eat again. Ever...

Its so exciting though! CHRISTMAS IS COMING!

Christmas Eve - we had to do our final drive by The Lemmings House. They give out lollies. Its like Santaween.

Justice looked gorgeous in a little elf outfit. He was a great help for the first part of the morning in the shop.

We surprised Will with this new display board (the ULTIMATE bargain of the century!) and the awards are actually now on the walls! (I have been meaning to do that for 14 months. I am so lucky my friend's husband was able to do this for me - CUDOS to her and her hubby for their help!!!

Justice did the last Lego of his advent calendar (ironically a jester - so he and his lego had the same hat - VERY exciting!)

AND I dressed my kid up like an elf. Its Christmas Eve. He's five. I will run out of these moments far too soon...

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