Monday, January 5, 2009


Justice and I spent today at Southbank.
We're back to the full swing of work now, which meant that Will was awake for 28 hours straight, including a full night of work. He crashed late this morning, and following deliveries, I got Justice out of the house (as he has completely forgotten how to be quiet). I have been wanting to have a day at Southbank, as Justice and I haven't really gone in over a year (and he loves it there). I tossed out the idea over our break, but it didn't really fly, so I figured today was as good a day as any. Particularly since Justice's summer vacation is over in THREE weeks! We have only three more Mondays off before he is a big school kid (and the last one of those is a public holiday)...
Well, we started the day trying to find parking. I parallel parked in the city (I haven't done that even once since I lived in Boston and shopped on Newbury Street!) and we had two legal hours to play. First thing we went on the GIANT (I hate heights!) Ferris wheel because I had a great voucher that expired TODAY and Justice has been keen to go since our trip through the museum a few weeks ago...
Justice wasn't afraid at all, and loved looking down on the ant people... And out at the boats on the river...
These fountains are underneath it, and the wheel gets wet as it goes by...


After the wheel we walked towards the City Beach, passing this Nepalese temple
Where Justice found the ceremonial bell interesting, And sort of appreciated all the detailed work I tried to point out to him,

Its really quite beautiful!

From there we walked the nature walk to the beach area.

Where we promptly changed into togs

And played in the water, diving for treasure...

And trying to swim (he'll have lessons at school this year)
And got soaking wet!

We went and ate lunch, and when we were headed to the changing rooms we saw:
Which - of course- we had to try!

And Justice loved it!

And since he was so well behaved they gave him heaps of time...

Which was a huge hit!

Believe it or not, we still had a little time on the parking metre, so Justice got the chance to play on the playground as well.

Which was also a hit...

My little ham...

He did this see saw on his first birthday! It used to be at the gardens...
Now, you might think that that was our whole day - but that was what we squeezed into our two hours. From Southbank, we went on to run bakery errands (our frypan died - again) and then we went to see BOLT 3D. I really want to see BEDTIME STORIES, but since that movie looks like one Will and I would enjoy instead of endure, I thought we should save that.
So, Justice and I sat down to watch Bolt 3D, and it was totally cute. It was also probably pretty much over - there was a raging inferno and Bolt was running to the rescue - when we realised that the fire alarm sounds were actually for OUR THEATRE and not just part of the movie...
It was not quite as surreal as my BLACK HAWK DOWN experience (the most extreme movie experience ever!) but it was definitely something...
Well, we missed out on whatever minutes were left (I was not going to watch the whole thing again) but now we have family tickets -- and can see Bedtime Stories! So, that about wraps up the day. Came home, did bookwork, sent Will off to work. We're back to our regular life - where we see each other for moments out of the day... BUT - we'll have a few days off again. In August...
Hoping all is well and your days are likewise fun filled. Without the sunburn (darn! I even had a goofy hat on with the sunscreen!)

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