Tuesday, January 27, 2009


How is it possible that I had to set my alarm clock to wake up Justice because he started school today.

My baby started school! I think that this must be a slightly different experience when you have other little ones at home, but my only baby started school today!

Of course, he was fine. More than fine. I was mostly OK. I'm not worried about how he'll do - I know that he is more than ready academically and socially.

I just thought he would be little for a while longer. Where has my baby gone?!

Showing off the uniform to Dad before heading to school...

VERY excited!

That giant bag is FULL of school supplies, two water bottles, morning tea and lunch...
Whew! Lucky we chose the wheeled one!

Digging right into activities while we had the teacher/parent meeting.
Justice humored me and let me get a picture of us together... Doesn't he look BIG?!
"My beautiful teacher Miss Henderson" with Justice...

1 comment:

Kellianne said...

Wow Kat! You know, I don't think it'll be much different for me. I'll be ready to only have two at home, but I don't think I'll be ready to let my baby go! What it takes to be a mom!