Monday, January 12, 2009


That's it... Justice's little boy days are done...
That's it. Its all over. Justice is officially big now. No more little kid, no more Mommy's little boy - just a big school kid.

I guess that it will hit home more when he goes off to school IN TWO WEEKS (is that possible?!) but today we went and bought all the school uniforms....

Formal dress uniform with formal hat (Mondays and Fridays)
*** (photo to be reserved for an actual school day shot)

Sports uniform with play hat (Tuesdays and Thursdays) (as pictured below)

And on Wednesdays, house uniform, except we don't know which house we're in yet. Whichever, it will be for his whole academic career there. (and we're all confident I'll post a picture eventually!)

The swim uniform? Speedos! I am going to be a conscientous objector. I want him to swim, but I am all about board shorts. Apparently, the teacher can make an exception. I am SO applying for that!

We're now officially broke, but once I buy some white athletic socks, Justice will have everything he needs for school!

He is encouraged to use keychains to help distinguish his bag from everyone else's (as they have to have a school logo bag). So, any original, distinct or otherwise cool (ie from the town YOU live in) keychains are more than welcome!

Can you believe that he is SO big?

After the school uniform shopping, we went and had a play date with his friend Gus. They went to the same preschool together and will also probably be in the same class this year at their new school...

Where has the time gone? How is summer vacation only like SIX weeks? What am I going to dd with myself while he's away at school?

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