Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Latest

Not that this is timely or important, but it took ages and thus deserves a mention.
For his birthday I cleaned out Justice's room.
All the toys and books and clothes are for use now (or in the near future) and the "baby" things are gone... (Ok, this did tie in with the garage sale, but still, it looks like a big kid's room). Merlin loves the changes to the dragon room, too.
Part of the reason I am posting this is now that I have had surgery I have kicked Justice out of his room. The bed is the perfect height for me to get in easily (ours is a bit high).
So I am very much enjoying the clean orderly state of things.

The Gory Details:
I went back to the hospital outpatients clinic today, and they had to remove some staples.
Which look exactly like staples - its very disconcerting -
and now the wound has to be left partially open and get packed daily.
Doesn't that sound lovely?
The nurse will be coming to our house every day for two to three weeks to repack and redress my disgusting guts.
Will and I keep joking that I would bankrupt us in the US, but its actually the sad truth.

I am so appreciative of a medical system that means I had this operation, a hospital stay and now rather intense and comprehensive follow up - for a total now of around $45 (which was for nine prescriptions). I am not unaware of the higher cost of taxes here - but in the US with state and federal income tax, sales tax, property tax - well, you can't be surprised that the government gets around 60% in the end... We pay through the nose here but its more upfront - and we know what we are getting in return. Comprehensive medical care with little to no cost. No wonder people are trying to sneak over all the time.


Pyatt said...

Hey sister...I hope you are feeling okay..I wish I was there to take Justice and bring you some prayers are with you!

caitlynrose said...

I am pulling for you too lady. All the best.

Mark and Tara Christiansen said...

I keep worrying about you. I hope you have the help you need. We love you and are praying for you.