Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I have been trying to make more time for Justice to play with his classmates after pre-prep. Of course, for the most part this is limited to Monday afternoons. He has been lucky enough to play at Gus' house several Thursdays, but otherwise we have just snuck in a few Monday afternoon play dates after school.

Last Monday, Justice, Gus and I went bowling. Bumper bowling. I barely beat them. I haven't been bowling since the broken foot date in Provo, so it is OK that I barely bested two four-year-old's, right?! Justice, his first time ever bowling, posted a 63, Gus made 64 and I creamed them with a whopping 79! WOW! The boys had a blast, and we went because I was sussing it out for Justice's birthday party in October... He is very keen to have a bowling party, so I thought we should at least try it out!

Now, when I started asking him who he would like to invite to play, I used the term play dates. When he chose to invite Gus, it was "come to my house for a play".

This week Justice wanted to invite Jennalyn. She is a totally cute classmate, and the daughter of one of his two teachers. Suddenly, the focus was on "DATE". Justice raided his piggy bank, asked if they could go for milkshakes (and cupcakes). They sat on the same side of the booth - and asked me if I could sit at the next table... It was so cute, and unexpected... I tell you, this kid is always so keen to grow up - he isn't giving me time to get ready for ANYTHING before he springs it on me!

Today, he went home with Jennalyn and her mom. I didn't pick him up until after dinner, and he SO did not want to come home with me! I think he is falling for Jenna AND her mom (with the clean house, backyard, home cooked meal and the new games - how can I compete with THAT?

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