Sunday, March 28, 2010

First Term of School ends...

Justice had an excellent first term. He enjoyed Ju Jitsu on Tuesday nights,Kaleidoscope after school Wednesdays for the last four weeks of term,
and Viva soccer on Thursday afternoons. He is still studying Japanese at school and taking guitar lessons during the school day on Mondays. He is very busy, but thriving (and wanting to also learn five million other things and take horse riding lessons)...

Well, Justice won the trophy for his age group at soccer's conclusion. THE trophy as in there was just one. He is so thrilled! Its an OUTSTANDING ATTITUDE award. (Everyone also got a medal for their participation).
He also did fabulously at Kaleidoscope, winning this award for his flower pattern...

He's so clever! We have two weeks off school now (I even have one week off) although hot cross buns will keep us busy over the Easter weekend, we will actually get Good Friday off.

A DAY OFF!!! Wow. HAPPY EASTER and school holidays!

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