Monday, March 22, 2010

In The Wars...

One of these things is not like the other... Justice has been in the wars a bit lately. Monday after soccer practice we went to grab some chicken for dinner. He was fine when I picked him up, but ten minutes later in line at the shop he told me his ear was itchy. ITCHY. It was giant, bright red, nearly purple and bordering on Dumbo ear proportions...
The normal ear...

The Dumbo ear...
We went and bought antihistamine, but two hours later when it was still swelling and itchy we went to the doctor. I was reasonably sure it was a mosquito bite, as Justice is allergic and they generally get pretty impressively swollen, but this one was ridiculous. The doctor ended up prescribing an oral steroid. Combined with the antihistamine and the topical cream I bought, it was back to normal by Thursday morning. It was pretty funny, but a very sad sight.
(Yes, he went to school like this, I told him it was his listening ear)
Today Justice finally lost his second tooth.
By lost, I mean I took it out. The replacement tooth is already two thirds grown in and hasn't been able to move properly forward because the baby tooth was still there. It was quite loose, so after more than a month I finally made Justice try to get it out. The try himself part was apparently quite painful (due to all reports/tears)... in the end I just bent it forward myself and it came straight out. Hopefully the adult tooth sets forward; his baby teeth are so lovely and straight, I have high hopes...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"Listening ear"? Talk about a fast thinking mom statement. Good work.

As for that tooth... I gotta say, better to have you take it out than have Justice go through what I did. My teeth didn't come out. Half of them had to be surgically removed. Ugh... I was way too familiar with my dentist, orthodontist and oral surgeon.

For his sake (and yours!!!!), I'm crossing my fingers.

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