Have I already bored everyone with how much I adore that play? Or how profound I find that line in Colvin's song?
I am attending my first day of ON CAMPUS law school! Very very exciting... well, except for the very, very boring lecture from a well meaning but condescending lecturer.
Now that I am studying on campus alongside others I am reminded exactly how annoying stupid questions can be. That phrase "There are no stupid questions" is TOTAL trash...
Example QUESTION: Where is the proof that she used the product (in a contract law lecture reviewing a landmark case)?
ANSWER: This is a brief summary of the case decision - they would not have made a decision if she could not substantiate her claim. This is not a review of the claim, it is a review of the decision. As stated five times before you asked your question.... AHHH!
Now, I have enough time between my two lecturers to get a lot done. But not much to get done as it is week one. And not enough time between to leave... I have gone through the course outline and class schedule for every one of my courses and updated my day planner extensively. I have read for tonight's and all of next week's classes. I have added a statistics class even though the very idea makes my skin crawl... So now I am suffering through the hurry up and waits...
Hence the Godot...
I am relieved to be on track to actually finishing my degree (studying on campus is the only way I can do that) but now painfully aware of how blissful my off-campus no stupid questions studies really were... Besides, I am the only adult, fully dressed person in my afternoon class. Really. Studying in beach country in Australia is VERY scenic...
In case you were wondering. My official first day Wednesday was sunk by a sick little man, but today has been smooth sailing. I am headed for the wig!