Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Growing Up..

Time is flying. And sometimes I can so clearly see it passing...

The first time I took pictures of Justice in this tree, I had to lift him on there and then wait for him to calm down so I could get some pictures...

Later, when he was a little older, we tried again --
and got some photos that remain my favourites...

The next year, we were walking regularly by the tree on our way to preschool...

This year, its been a matter of finding time after school
(but before tennis, AFL or homework) to grab a quick snap.
Watching Justice swing up into the tree himself drove home just how much bigger he is!
And the trial was getting him to hold still long enough for me to click a picture.

Isn't he growing?!


Donna Belle Pouls Von Winkle said...

How time flies when your having fun....The tree really shows how big he is getting..Keep up the good work...........Love Oma

Kellianne said...

Oh Kat! It's so great to see them grow and learn and so heartbreaking all at the same time! I can't believe our babies are so big! Thanks for keeping us up on what's going on. I'm glad you're doing so well! Lots of love from AZ!