Monday, October 27, 2008


This is STICKER the stick bug. Justice and I found him on the door when leaving our friends' house last night. We flicked him into a takeaway cup and brought him home with us. Before bed we got STICKER all set up in a clear bowl with a few twigs and some leaves. We agreed Justice could take him to preschool this morning to release in the yard there.

However, Justice and Will looked them up on the internet this morning, and discovered that stick bugs eat insects and moths. Like geckos. We love our geckos because they save us from bugs. So the boys decided to release STICKER in our garden (also known as the patch of earth outside our door).
Justice told me all about this when they woke me up this morning. I assumed the bug would be long gone, but when we left for preschool a few hours later, there he was in the flower patch. STICKER let Justice pick him up several times, he just didn't want to be put down...

Justice was so gentle with the bug! I am much more of the flick them away persuasion myself...

Especially when talking about such a LARGE bug...

Our friend Sharona has been planning to give Justice a leaf bug as a belated birthday present, so how appropriate that we found this bug on her door... I think its pretty obvious he will love it!

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