Monday, October 31, 2011


Justice and I had a blast at a Halloween birthday bash yesterday! I met my friend Fiona when her eldest and Justice went to pre-prep together. (They also started prep together, and we have managed to stay friends through all the classroom and school changes since...)

Larissa and her sister have those birthdates that collide with summer holidays and Christmas parties, so this year they got an early joint Halloween bash! SO FUN!

Fiona organised awesome games, including bobbing for apples, the donut on a string...

Everyone brought lollies to share, and in the end an entire wheelie bin was overflowing with lollies to be divided up between the crowd (I volunteered to help with that part?!)

The cakes were amazing, the costumes were great - and I love seeing Justice have the chance to re-connect with old classmates. VERY fun! That's another great Halloween done. Well, except that our carving plans were sabotaged by customers (ie I had to go in and help rathher than stay home and carve) with too many rolls - seeing as tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day!

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