Thursday, July 15, 2010


After a great saga, we have made the sad decision that a change of schools was essential.
Justice is now attending Kimberley Park State School
where he is in the composite Year 2/3 class.

Every classroom at KPSS is multi-age, with either two or three grades. So there is also a 1/2 and a 3/4, the kids always have the opportunity to learn with either younger or older children, depending on what they need.

KPSS has a gifted curriculum as a standard available learning route. They have all the resources that Justice needs, without any of the painful hoops. And because there are a few other girted children his age, he won't feel singled out. He is doing about 80% of his class day with the third graders, and specialist lessons (PE, dance, art) with the 2nd graders, as well as handwriting (3rd graders do "running writing" - what happened to cursive?)...

We have really high hopes and feel very positive about the change. Justice has not been stretched by the academics at our old school. He is such a bright, inquisitive kid, and a shockingly fast learner. This new school is much more aware and appreciative of gifted learning styles. YEAH!
To celebrate the switch, I took Justice to Anaconda for some rockwall climbing after school. Three dollars well spent!

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