Sunday, July 5, 2009

What's New?

We just had a big newspaper ad, and another will soon follow.

We have picked up two new wholesale customers this week...

AND we got a pet.

Never mind its also school holidays.

Basically, we're a bit swamped.

Hope all is well with you and we should be back on the grid soon.

Oh, I am getting a flyer regarding wholesale delivery together. Cute photo, huh?

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I have just enjoyed catching up with your life via your blog. I'm glad business is going well and I pray it will continue to grow. It is so fun to see pictures of Justice and to feel the love you have for him. You are a wonderful writer and mother. What a darling boy he is with his mother's sweet face and sparkle. Thank you for being in touch via my blog. I love how technology can connect us. I will be in touch again!