Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Justice had to get a blood test today.
NO FUN. They "missed" the vein in the first arm. The nurse claimed Justice moved, but since Will had him in a bear hug and another nurse was holding his arm down, I have my doubts... A different nurse tried the other arm (she of the ineffective arm hold) but wasn't able to get a sample. They told me to make sure he drinks plenty and we can try again next week.
That's right - make sure he drinks plenty. The test is checking for a cause for his constant mild dehydration. The test requires that he not drink the night before. They apparently don't know this. Any wonder they can't get a sample?!
He's got two punctures, one with a big old bruise, and we still have to go again next week for the stupid blood test! Poor kid. At least they gave him a "trauma teddy". Its a good match for the one he got when he put his teeth through his chin....

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