Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Justice is really a perfectionist.
He likes things exactly so, and he is not prone to guess when there is a logical way to deduce the correct answer. For instance, on the wall in his classroom, they put up one cut out bug for each day of school. When they were in week three, the teacher asked "Where do you think the line will be when we have a hundred bugs?". All the kids had loud guesses pointing at the wall. She was concerned because Justice would not "have a go" and just guess.
See, but that doesn't worry or surprise me. For my earnest little man she had given him a mathematical equation. "If 20 is here, then 100 is where?"
I love the perfectionist in him. He has come along miles - there was a time if he wasn't assured of doing something right he simply wouldn't attempt it. Now he is prone to give anything a try. But not if you ask him to leave out all reason.
On the teacher's suggestion, I tried to explain estimating, and I used the bugs as an example of when he should try. Justice's response was: "If you can get exactly the right answer, why would you just guess?" Precision people.
I can't wait for algebra...


Pyatt said...

He is such a cutie Kat!! I talked to Bergman today. She is doing great...running an Al-paca farm. She's a nut but a nut we love!! It's so fun to see Justice growing up!! When is your next trip to the states?

M2 said...

Hmmm...? I wonder where his perfectionism comes from--No not Mom! I want to fly to Australia right this minute and give that cutie a squeeze!