Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Weekend

Friday we went into the city as a family to collect Will's visa for his trip to China. The office was closed, and we'll have to go back, but we did enjoy dinner at a Southbank restaurant right on the river. A family dinner out! That never happens!

On Saturday late afternoon Justice and I went into Brisbane to the Brisbane Arts Theatre and saw a performance of The BFG. It is my favourite Dahl book. If I had to pick a favourite...

We had a marvelous time, the performance was excellent, the cast was warm and available afterwards in the charming little courtyard. The "autographs" were all of the characters names. The Royal Air Force guy was Justice's favourite by far. He was hilarious...

And the building was absolutely charming. There was an article about its 75 year history, which included the tidbit that Geoffrey Rush performed there while at uni in Brisbane.

Mother's Day I slept as late as my body would allow, went out for take away for lunch, and then napped until Will had to work.

I think I was awake about three hours all day. PERFECT!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend as well!

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