Thursday, April 15, 2010

Loving the Laundry!

So, who says "No one loves laundry day"?

My one day off each week is usually consumed with ensuring my family is not forced to trek naked through the streets.

Justice is not a fan of laundry day because he has to haul all the dirty clothes downstairs to the laundry room.

Will is not a fan of laundry day because I hang wet things all over the house and he feels like he's married a vagabond.
I am not a big fan of laudry day, since it feels so overwhelmingly endless.

BUT, someone in this house loves laundry day!


Kellianne said...

That's good that someone can enjoy it. Laundry seems to be the neverending task around here. If only we could sleep through it, huh?

caitlynrose said...

Definitely! Thinking of you and hoping you are feeling well. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

For the kitty... Always a good reason to do something. At least, that's what Banjo tells me. =)