Saturday, January 16, 2010


Justice spent the morning at one of his favourite homes playing with his friend Charlie. As if Charlie weren't cool enough in his own right, he also has a horse, a treehouse fort, a trampoline and the coolest mom and sister who build giant mouse trap type marble track structures...

While I was working Justice played at their house this morning. Once I finished I headed to their house and then the lot of us set out for the ice skating rink in Acacia Ridge. I had reservations since Justice had never been skating and I didn't know how he would go, and because I still am not off some restrictions for my tum and ice skating is definitely not allowed. (Even though I pointed out you usually only fall on your bum.) Anyway, turned out Justice loved it, and he did pretty well! Obviously my genes are not terribly predominant...

Luckily he had Charlie's mom showing him what to do...

1 comment:

Jenna said...

It was so fun to read your comments on my blog, now that I'm trying to update it. It is a good way to be in touch with those you care about. Justice is a truly beautiful boy. He has such a light about him. My guess is that he genuinely loves people, like his mother. Well done, mamma. I enjoy reading about your life in Australia. It is hard for me to picture Christmas taking place in the summer! I'm glad you are doing well and that you are happy. I too hope that our paths will one day cross again. Until then, we will keep up with each other via cyber space.

Happy New Year and may you have much success in 2010!
